
Crossbows.. There is something extremely satisfying about the twang of the crossbow string as it launches your bolts at outrageous speeds down range. Knifewarehouse stocks a full range of pistol crossbows and rifle crossbows. Extremely high powered and lower power options available to itch that archery scratch.

We sell both recurve and compound bows suitable for all flavours of crossbow archery as well as a range of accessories such as cocking ropes, bolts, rail wax, sights and more. Don’t forget, a lot of the bows here can take other aftermarket additions such as lasers and torches. Some would tell you you don’t need one, but who are we to decide that for you?

Why buy a crossbow? Well, that’s fairly easy – because you want one! There are real reasons too, such as shooting sports and competitions. Generally though, they are just a huge amount of fun. Especially the higher power ones that really require some effort to load and fire. It all just adds to the immense satisfaction of an accurate shot.

Be sure to check out the Man Kung range of bows we’ve recently added. Some of the best bows in the world at particularly low prices. You can read more about them in our blog, or just jump right in and buy them here. 

If that wasn’t enough, we also have some more ‘normal’ archery bows, which as luck would have it, are available here. If you are just starting out with crossbows, make sure you have a solid backstop! These bows can and will shoot through fences and bushes – make sure you’re safe before even loading the bow!

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