Age Restrictions

*If this is your first order with Knife Warehouse you must prove your age before any order will be shipped. You only need to do this once then your account is saved and your orders will be shipped the same working day.

Click to Upload ID to Your Account or Email to


It is illegal to sell knives, swords or crossbows to anyone less than 18 years of age

We cannot and will not sell to any person less than 18 years of age. If you are underage please do not attempt to purchase from us as your order will be cancelled, it is also against the law for you to attempt to purchase any knife or weapon.

Quickest way to verify age and get your order shipped:

You can upload a scan or picture of your proof of age e.g. driver’s license, passport or your UK Proof of Age Card (PASS Card) to your Knife Warehouse account or as you checkout (selfies are not proof). You can also email us your ID at You do not have to do this as soon as you order, you can login to your account at any convenient time to upload proof of age, we will receive an email and check the ID, no orders will be shipped out before the account is verified.

YOU CANNOT USE SOMEONE ELSE’S IDENTIFICATION. We will not send ‘John Smith’ a knife if he has sent in ‘Suzanne Barkers’ passport, sounds obvious but people do this daily.

You will only need to do this once and all future orders will be dispatched immediately as your account will have been manually approved.

We have to be sure every customer is over 18 for obvious reasons so please do not take offense when asked to prove your age, we are very strict with this and make no exceptions to the rule. Please do not send the I.D of another person, it sounds silly but we get it everyday, we are trying to identify the customers age no one else’s. NO SELFIES, please, they are clearly not proof of age, it could be a photo of anyone.